Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Labour tries to throw its weight about in Stockport

Knightsbridge Park is a new housing development in the Adswood area of Stockport. Rather impressively it has its own website:
Our approach is to create a framework of conditions that help residents to be neighbourly when and if they want to be. This is the main reason why we have created this online space for interaction and dialogue and we hope that it can encourage neighbourliness.

We aim to provide a centralised source of updated news and information, covering all aspects of local life (business, shopping, education, entertainment, clubs and societies) to better inform the residents and visitors of events and activities taking place around the Adswood area.
In many ways it is a model of what a neighbourhood website should be. But judging by a recent post on the site, that is not the way the local Labour Party sees it:
After we published the fact that Stockport will not increase the council tax, Councillor Driver emailed us:

"I would appreciate if you would not use your website to promote party political statements. I have assisted you as a I am your councillor not because of what party you support. I would also add that as the Lib Dems are very unpopular in Adswood it does not help you make friends with local people on your estate. I assume you meant well but with local council election in May you will have to be careful about using a public website for party political reasons."

We never promoted any party political statement. Telling that the council bill in Stockport will not be increased this year is not a political statement but only the truth.

Telling us that we will not make friends with local people in our estate if we publish what is simply the truth is perfectly unacceptable. We consider that as a direct threat and we cannot tolerate such appalling behaviour.
Read the full story on Knightsbridge Park, Adswood.

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