Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Quote of the Day: David Aaronovitch

In today's Times David Aaronovitch writes:
I was perhaps a latish convert to the struggle for democracy and freedom.
Let's see what his Wikipedia entry says:

He completed his education at the University of Manchester, graduating in 1978 with an upper second B.A. (Hons) in history. While at Manchester, he was a member of the 1975 University Challenge team that lost in the first round after answering every question with the name of a revolutionary ("Trotsky" or "Lenin" or "Che").

He was initially a Eurocommunist and active in the Young Communists ... He was also active in the National Union of Students (NUS) ... Aaronovitch himself was president of the NUS from 1980 to 1982.

You have to admire that "perhaps".

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